Charlton School

Home Testing Information

It is imperative that anyone displaying the three main symptoms isolate immediately and seeks a PCR test at a test centre by calling 119 or visiting the following website,  Any students displaying these symptoms in school will be sent home and required to isolate until the outcome of the test is known.  The symptoms are:


  • high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


Students are required to test twice per week (Monday and Thursday morning) using a lateral flow device at home, at least until the end of September.  If they test positive, they are required to isolate immediately and seek a confirmatory PCR test.  Please inform school of any positive tests from lateral flow devices at your earliest convenience.  Please call our attendance team in school or out of hours email


Should we have any positive cases in school, it is now up to NHS Track and Trace to identify and inform close contacts and advise them of the actions to take. It is likely that close contacts who are under 18 or adults who are double vaccinated will be advised to take a precautionary PCR test but will not have to isolate under the current government guidance.  The school will support NHS Track and Trace with this process as required.



Please find all publications and policy amendments relating to Covid-19. 

Filename Size Date
Correspondence Archive
       Parents Update 16.03.20 (002) LCT.pdf 251.2KB 16/03/2020
       advice regarding trips 13032020.pdf 279.3KB 16/03/2020
       Update for school trips abroad 13032020.pdf 211.4KB 16/03/2020
       updated charlton letter from Principal 17032020[1].pdf 218.3KB 17/03/2020
       Potential enforced school closure TRL 17032020[3].pdf 255.4KB 17/03/2020
       WE cancelled 17032020 (002).pdf 71.7KB 17/03/2020
       Parent Update from Dr Eatough 18.03.20.pdf 210.4KB 18/03/2020
       Year 11 exams and Science mocks.pdf 185.1KB 18/03/2020
       Parent Update 19.03.20.pdf 217.7KB 19/03/2020
       Key Worker Update 19.03.20.pdf 248.4KB 19/03/2020
       Useful Educational Websites 2020.pdf 187.1KB 19/03/2020
       Critical worker Update 20.03.20.pdf 275.7KB 20/03/2020
       Letter from Principal 20032020.pdf 320.3KB 20/03/2020
       Update_key worker and vulnerable students from Principal ... 242.2KB 23/03/2020
       GCSE_update_24_3_20 from Principal.pdf 262.8KB 24/03/2020
       Advice from A Wills and websites 25032020 (003) (002).pdf 290.3KB 25/03/2020
       Parent Update 27.03.20.pdf 233.2KB 27/03/2020
       Post Easter Update 010420.pdf 410.9KB 01/04/2020
       Parent Update 03.04.20.pdf 341.9KB 03/04/2020
       FSM Parent Update 14.04.20.pdf 233.9KB 14/04/2020
       Parent Update17.04.20.docx 128.2KB 17/04/2020
       Parent Update 24.04.20.pdf 226.8KB 24/04/2020
       Parent Update 01052020.pdf 173.5KB 01/05/2020
       Parent Update 07052020.pdf 306.4KB 07/05/2020
       Parent Update 11.05.20.docx 127.5KB 11/05/2020
       Parent Update 20.05.20.pdf 179.6KB 20/05/2020
       Parent Update 22.05.20.pdf 217.9KB 22/05/2020
       Letter Home Learning Update 04062020.pdf 257.4KB 04/06/2020
       Parent Update 05.06.20.pdf 197.8KB 05/06/2020
       Letter to parents re opening 15th June 08062020.pdf 298.6KB 08/06/2020
       Yr 10 face to face timetable_final.pdf 89.1KB 08/06/2020
       Parent Update 12.06.20.pdf 172.6KB 12/06/2020
       Microsoft Teams guide for Students.pdf 273.5KB 12/06/2020
       Live lesson student expectations.pdf 99.9KB 12/06/2020
       Live lessons FAQ.pdf 147.8KB 17/06/2020
       Parent Update 19062020.pdf 213.8KB 19/06/2020
       Principals Update letter to parents 25.06.2020.pdf 307.3KB 25/06/2020
       Parent Update 26.06.20.pdf 351.5KB 26/06/2020
       DEW letter to parents 29062020.pdf 317.7KB 29/06/2020
       Parent Update 03.07.20.pdf 267.7KB 03/07/2020
       RESULTSDAY 2020.pdf 280.6KB 06/07/2020
       Parent Update 10072020.pdf 171.4KB 10/07/2020
       Charlton_Secondary Reopening Plan September 2020_V2.pdf 517.4KB 14/07/2020
       LCT Generic Risk Assessment for return to Schools autumn ... 388.4KB 14/07/2020
       EndOfYearLetter.pdf 279.1KB 15/07/2020
       2020 07 21 Home to School Transport Letter FINAL_Page_1.jpg 303.6KB 23/07/2020
       2020 07 21 Home to School Transport Letter FINAL_Page_2.jpg 385.7KB 23/07/2020
       2020 07 21 Home to School Transport Letter FINAL.pdf 420.1KB 23/07/2020
       Parent_Letter_September_Final_Details_26_08_20.docx 932.7KB 27/08/2020
       update-to-start-of-term-arrangements-letter-principal-v2-... 277.3KB 14/06/2021
       lct-generic-risk-assessment-for-return-to-schools-autumn-... 304.0KB 14/06/2021
       charlton_secondary-reopening-plan-september-2020_v5-24_11... 883.1KB 14/06/2021
       updated-community-covid-letter-to-parents-05112020.pdf 731.8KB 14/06/2021
       parent-update-161020.pdf 192.4KB 14/06/2021
       Covid-19 - Jan-July 2021
             Principal's letter to parents regarding re-opening on 8th... 759.7KB 25/02/2021
             letter to parents re testing and returning to school 0403... 747.6KB 04/03/2021
             Charlton School Reopening Plan March 2021_V1.pdf 700.2KB 04/03/2021
             Charlton School COVID-19 Testing Privacy Statement (002).pdf 273.1KB 04/03/2021
             Year 11 - COVID-19 Testing.pdf 181.7KB 04/03/2021
             Year 10 - COVID-19 Testing.pdf 181.9KB 04/03/2021
             Year 9 - COVID-19 Testing.pdf 181.9KB 04/03/2021
             Year 8 - COVID-19 Testing.pdf 182.1KB 04/03/2021
             Year 7 - COVID-19 Testing.pdf 181.8KB 04/03/2021
             How_to_do_your_test_COVID_19_instruction_leaflet_for_scho... 558.3KB 04/03/2021
             Principal's letter to parents regarding re-opening on 8th... 759.7KB 04/03/2021
             Principal's letter to parents 28012021.pdf 734.1KB 04/03/2021
             letter to parents MCA 22012021.pdf 720.8KB 04/03/2021
             letter to parents of Y11 re vocational exams 07012021 (00... 344.9KB 04/03/2021
             Charlton School - Safeguarding of Students During School ... 64.8KB 04/03/2021
             Arrangements Start of Term_04_01_2021 MCA letter to paren... 322.7KB 04/03/2021
             Principal letter to critical key worker parents 04012021.pdf 183.8KB 04/03/2021
             HomeTestKIts March 2021.pdf 744.7KB 15/03/2021
             Testing update letter to parents 17032021[1].pdf 1.3MB 17/03/2021
             LCT Generic Risk Assessment for return to Schools Spring ... 414.6KB 14/06/2021
             january-2021-home-learning.pdf 724.5KB 14/06/2021
             lct-update-to-parents-8th-january-2021.pdf 194.2KB 14/06/2021
             principal-letter-to-critical-key-worker-parents-04012021.pdf 183.8KB 14/06/2021
             arrangements-start-of-term_04_01_2021-mca-letter-to-paren... 322.7KB 14/06/2021
             COVID UPDATE 16th June 2021.pdf 1.1MB 17/06/2021
             23rd June 2021.docx 1.2MB 23/06/2021
Policy Admendments
       Temporary Changes to Employees Privacy Notice.pdf 84.3KB 05/06/2020
       Child Protection Safeguarding Policy Covid-19 School Reop... 266.3KB 05/06/2020
       Temporary Changes to Employees Privacy Notice.pdf (1) 84.3KB 05/06/2020
       Addendum to First Aid Policy - Covid 19.pdf 162.4KB 08/06/2020
       Addendum to Behaviour for Learning Policy - Covid 19.pdf 159.5KB 08/06/2020
Risk Assesments
       LCT Infection Control Policy 20-21.pdf 460.2KB 10/06/2020
       LCT Generic Risk Assessment for return to Schools Autumn ... 313.6KB 06/09/2021
       Charlton_Coronavirus_Outbreak_Management_Plan_Agreed[80].pdf 295.3KB 09/09/2021
       LCT Generic Covid 19 Risk Assessment - Living with Covid ... 396.2KB 07/03/2022
Home Learning Help Guides
       charlton-school-remote-learning-offer-jan-2021.pdf 190.6KB 14/06/2021
       microsoft-teams-guide-for-students.pdf 312.4KB 14/06/2021
       january-2021-home-learning (1).pdf 724.5KB 14/06/2021
       phe_quick_guide_to_donning_doffing_ppe_standard_health_an... 363.2KB 14/06/2021
       home-learning-faqs.pdf 102.0KB 14/06/2021
       microsoft-office-365-help-sheet.pdf 321.5KB 14/06/2021
       return-to-a-learning-community-trust-school.docx 82.5KB 14/06/2021
       backtoschool_secondary_a4leaflet_eng.pdf 229.1KB 14/06/2021
Covid - September 2021