Charlton School

A guide for Students, Parents & Carers

At The Charlton School we strive to provide the best learning environment for all students in order for all students to achieve beyond expected levels of progress. Consequently it is of fundamental importance that students meet the school attendance target of 96%. Lost hours of learning time can have a detrimental effect on learning and achievement.

Here at The Charlton School we pride ourselves on having high expectations as ourselves as professionals and of our students as learners. Consequently it is vital that students arrive to school on time; punctuality is a legal requirement.

Your child deserves a rigorous education and all the opportunities that The Charlton School has to offer. Coming to school every day is essential for your child’s academic and personal development.

A copy of the Charlton School Attendance Policy can be found here


Parents wishing the school to consider authorising an absence should read the following points carefully:

There is no automatic right to any holiday during term time.

The Local Authority and school policy is: family holidays should not be taken in term time.

Any request must be made in advance of the absence (request forms are available from the School Reception). The request must be received by the school at least four weeks before the proposed absence. This is to allow sufficient time for appropriate consideration.

Should you decide to take your child out of school the absence will be recorded as unauthorised which may be subject to a Penalty Notice Fine of £80 per parent per child which will increase to £160.00 if not paid within 28 days.  Thereafter, failure to pay within the stated time limit may lead to Court proceedings.

Further information can be found about the issuing of penalty notices here.


If in an individual case the local authority believes a Penalty Notice would be appropriate, they retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met. For example, when a parent purposefully tries to avoid a Penalty Notice by taking their child out of school when there is only four pupil days in school and the fifth day is for example a PD day or bank holiday attached to that week.


Telford and Wrekin Penalty Notice Code of Conduct can be found here.

Term Dates 2023 – 2024


Autumn Term 2023

PD Day  -   Monday 4th September

Term Starts - Tuesday 5th September

PD Day - Friday 27th October

Half Term -  30th October - 3rd November

Term Ends  -  Friday 22nd December


Spring Term 2024

PD Day - Monday 8th January

Term Starts  - Tuesday 9th January

Half Term - 12th - 16th February

Term Ends - Friday 22nd March


Summer Term 2024

Term Starts - Monday 8th April

May Bank Holiday  - Monday 6th May

Half Term - 27th - 31st May

PD Day  - Friday 5th July

Term Ends - Friday 19th July


Autumn Term 2024

PD Day - Tuesday 3rd September

Term Starts - Wednesday 4th September

Half Term - 28th October - 1st November

Term Ends - Friday 20th December


Spring Term 2025

PD Day - Monday 6th January

Term Starts - Tuesday 7th January

Half Term - 17th - 21st February

Term Ends - Friday 11th April


Summer Term 2025

Term Starts - Monday 28th April

May Bank Holiday - Monday 5th May

Half Term - 26th - 30th May

Term Ends - Thursday 17th July

PD Day - Friday 18th July


What are Parental Responsibilities?

If your child is aged between 5 and 16, you must make sure he/she attends school regularly and stays in school. This is law. You can be taken to court for breaking this law (Section 444 of the Education Act 1996).

Parents should ensure their children arrive at school on time, properly dressed and in a condition to learn.

This means students should wear school uniform. They must have their books, pens, pencils, PE kit etc. Parents must also make sure that students complete homework on time and keep to school rules about behaviour.


A parent means:

• ALL natural parents, whether they are married or not;
• any person who has PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY for a child or young person; and,
• any person who has care of a child or young person (i.e. LIVES WITH AND LOOKS AFTER THE CHILD).

What is the role of the student?

• The Academy day starts at 8:45am when all students are expected to be in their designated area for form tutor
• Students are expected to arrive on time for each lesson of the day
• Students arriving late will be marked as late in the register
• Any student who arrives late to school on two or more occasions in a week will receive a C2 for the following week

• Late to school is defined as any student arriving to their form tutor after 8:50am
• Any student who arrives to lesson more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start time will be classed as truancy and will receive 1 day in the BRR the following school day



Why is good attendance important?

• To avoid gaps in learning
• To help achieve good exam results
• To help with applications to sixth form, college or an apprenticeship
• To prevent further action from the school and/or the local authority


What can I do as a parent to support excellent attendance?

• Have a regular bedtime
• Limit digital technology use – e.g. gaming, social media etc and finish at least one hour before bed
• Ensure your child has their own alarm clock
• Get their bag and all of their equipment and kit ready the night before
• Establish routes to school in advance


What absences are not appropriate?

• To look after the house or other members of the family
• To go shopping or visit relatives
• For girls: because they are menstruating
• Because of waking up late
• For family birthdays or outings

What is a ‘Persistently Absent (PA)’ student?

A student is defined as ‘persistently absent’ when their attendance falls below 90%

What rewards are there for excellent attendance and exemplary punctuality?

Regular attendance and punctuality assemblies take place throughout the year with students rewarded for their excellent attendance and punctuality to school

What about a holiday or an extended leave of absence?

As you will all be aware, current attendance regulations stipulate a Principal may not grant a leave of absence during term - time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Under the Charlton School Attendance policy we are unable to grant any requests for leave of absence due to holiday. Each application for a leave of absence will be considered on a case - by - case basis and on its own merits. It is for the Principal to decide what he views as ‘exceptional’ and it is at their discretion if the circumstances warrant the leave to be granted.

If the leave is granted, the Principal is able to determine the number of school days a child can be absent for.

The School can only consider leave of absence requests which are made by the ‘resident’ parent. Where applications for leave of absence are made in advance and refused, the child will be required to be in school on the dates set out in the application.

If the child is absent during that period, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, which may result in legal action being taken against the parent(s), by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice. Failure to make an application for leave in advance can also result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued to the parent(s). Where a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued and not paid within the required timeframe as set out on the notice, the matter will be referred to Warwickshire County Council’s Legal Services to consider instigating criminal proceedings under S444 Education Act 1996.

Parents are asked to respect the new regulations under which the School must work and if there is a need to take a child out of school during term - time, an application or request must be made in advance and make clear how the circumstances are exceptional.

Is my child too ill for school?

If you child is unwell and you are uncertain as to whether they are able to attend school or not, please find the following guidance on illness from the NHS:

What if absence is essential?

If your child is unable to attend school, the parent/carer must inform the school Attendance Officer before 8:30am that day.

If you are leaving a message to report a student absence please include their name, year or form group, reason for absence and expected length of absence.

If you are unsure of the length of absence please inform the Attendance Office before 8:30am on each day of absence.

To contact the Attendance Officer please use the details below:

Attendance Officer: Karen Ricketts Email Address:  Telephone Number: 01952386800


What is an authorised absence?

Parents and carers can explain absences but they cannot authorise them. Only the school can decide whether explanations about absences are acceptable and can be authorised.

For all students whose absence is below 93%, the school will insist a doctor’s note or some form of medical evidence is provided. All other absences will be coded as ‘O’ and will not be authorised.

What about absence for Dental/Medical treatment?

A student may have to be absent from school for medical or dental treatment. The school must be informed if during school time, but where possible appointments should be arranged after school.

Please ensure that evidence is provided for appointments within school hours, staff will check this before allowing students to leave lessons. Alternatively, please inform the Attendance Officer and they will mark this accordingly on the register.

If students are leaving school site for any reason they must sign out at reception. Reception staff will ensure that students have permission to be leaving school site before allowing them to sign out.What if a student feels unwell during the school day?
If a student feels unwell during the school day they should inform their class teacher, the class teacher will then request for a member of staff to make an assessment of the child’s ability to stay in school. If there is a medical emergency a member of staff who is first aid trained will be called for immediately. If a child is deemed too ill to stay in school, a decision will be made by school and the attendance officer, and parents will be informed.