Charlton School

Update to Parents/Carers 28.01.21

Thank you for your continued efforts with home learning, we have now delivered well over 3000 online lessons and set many more hours of independent work to complete.

28th January 2021


Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for your continued efforts with home learning, we have now delivered well over 3000 online lessons and set many more hours of independent work to complete.  Engagement remains high for the vast majority of students; we will be reporting to parents the students’ attitude to remote learning at the end of this half-term.  Your support in ensuring the students remain motivated and engaged is very much appreciated.

You may have seen or read, that yesterday the Prime Minister announced that it will not be possible to resume face-to-face learning in schools immediately after the February half-term, and instead, hopes it will be safe to commence the re-opening of schools from Monday 8th March. This will very much depend on the infection rates, vaccine roll-out progress and pressures on the NHS at that time. Schools have been told we will receive two weeks notice prior to returning.  As soon as we have anything confirmed we will let you know.

Please note that the Government also confirmed that all schools will be closed at February half term to all students.

Our school will remain open to vulnerable children, and the children of critical workers after February half-term. The Government guidance still states that where possible, children of critical workers should remain at home.  All other students will continue to receive remote education at home.  Concerns around engagement will still be logged using remote learning concerns (RLCs), these can be seen by parents through the MCAS system.

We are aware that RLCs are being issued to some students who genuinely, through ill health or other reasons cannot attend the lessons, but it is not possible for all staff to keep track of these students at this time.  Our pastoral teams know who these students are and will follow up on these concerns.

Last night, the Government updated the guidance on the Covid testing programme in Secondary Schools.  Any students or staff who now test positive with the lateral flow test (LFT) in school will immediately need to follow the government guidance on self-isolation and no longer need to have a confirmatory PCR test at a test centre.

We fully understand the challenges faced by families in this National Lockdown.  Mrs Wills will be sharing lots of resources via social media for National Well-being week (1st-7th February). Please do focus on your family’s well-being at this time, take time away from screens, play games, read, listen to music and enjoy some time outdoors.  Do whatever you can to take care of yourselves, both physically and mentally.


We received in school this week an outstanding piece of work, a speech about the pandemic and a return to normality by a Year 10 student, I have included part of the speech below, she writes:

“As Nelson Mandela once said,


       “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”


You may feel that you have been robbed of your education and not learnt a great deal, but by staying at home, as hard as it may have been during a worldwide pandemic, you have shown courage and strength.


Not only has this devastating virus caused the death of over one hundred thousand people in the United Kingdom, caused severe worry for families who are struggling financially and mentally, the loss of jobs, businesses that are no longer trading and a government not really knowing how to deal with it, you have educated yourself more than you may think.


“Confusing, Locked up, Scared, Horrible, Claustrophobic, Boring, Useless”


These are a few of the words that you, my friends, have given me to describe the way you felt during your time in lockdown.


Today I am going to turn that negative list into a positive one, and make sure you realise how amazing you all are.


“Strong, Reliable, Resilient, Proud, Survivor, Organised”


We have all proved to ourselves that no matter how hard we have found it; we have come out the other side more educated than we think. It has made us better people and hopefully kinder people. We are living in a safer environment, our loved are close and well, and the only way we are going from today is forward. Positivity is the way ahead.”


Please remain positive at this difficult time, we know the news about the delayed return to schools will have been a disappointment for all families, but as our student has written, we have all shown courage and strength by doing the right thing at this time and that positivity is the way forward.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the staff for the tremendous attitude and work ethic they have shown at this time; whilst many juggle home schooling themselves and the complexities brought about by the National Lockdown for their own families.

Kind regards and stay safe,

Mr McNaughton