Charlton School

Transition Update 18.06.2020

I hope you and your families are well? I write to update you on the arrangements for transition 2020. Unfortunately, we have now had confirmation that we are unable to go ahead with the transition days on 6th and 7th July.

Dear Parents and Carers


I hope you and your families are well? I write to update you on the arrangements for transition 2020. Unfortunately, we have now had confirmation that we are unable to go ahead with the transition days on 6th and 7th July. I understand that this may be disappointing for your child, who would have been looking forward to visiting their new school. The decision has been made in response to the primary guidance published by the Department for Education, which states that transition visits will not go ahead. We have therefore been left with no choice but to cancel the planned days. We are currently looking at ways to arrange the Parents Evening planned for 6th July virtually, so that parents have the opportunity to ask questions and meet key staff. Further guidance will be sent about how to access the meetings, which will be held on Microsoft Teams.


As mentioned in my previous email, Mr Simms has been busy creating a virtual tour of the school building which is now available to view on the Transition page of the Charlton School Website: In addition to this, in the next few days there will be a virtual assembly published on this page which introduces key transition staff, answers some of the most frequently asked questions and gives further information about the opportunities available at Charlton. We hope that these virtual experiences will help your child to feel more confident in the build up to transition. Where possible, Mr Simms and Mrs Berry will also be visiting primary schools to meet with groups of students who are joining us in September.


Many of you have asked whether Summer School and our residential trip to the Pioneer centre will go ahead as planned. I am afraid that due to COVID restrictions we have made the difficult decision to cancel both the Summer School and our trip to the Pioneer Centre. If you have already made a payment you will be contacted on an individual basis, by the Finance team, who will advise how refunds can be obtained. We are looking at options to replace the Outward Bound trip later in the academic year and are hopeful that students will have a teambuilding experience in the Spring term.


Many of you have asked which colour tie to purchase with your uniform. At Charlton, a significant number of opportunities are organised around our House structure. We have four houses Birch, Willow, Sycamore and Hawthorn. The Houses are named after the trees which surround us in our impressive school building and each tie has a different colour. Mrs Smith is working hard to gather all of the information sent across from primary schools. This information, along with the conversations our transition staff are having with Year 6 teachers and Pastoral Managers, will help us to decide on form groups and Houses for September. Once these are finalised you will receive a letter in the post to let you know which form and House your child will be in.  I have attached the term dates for the upcoming academic year.


I am so sorry that we are unable to run some of our transition activities, I hope you understand that we are doing everything we can, under the circumstances, to help your child feel confident about their transition to Charlton. We understand this is a very difficult time and that children will have had a variety of experiences during lockdown. Please be assured that we will work with you to help students catch up academically, emotionally, and socially when they join us in September.  I have attached the term dates for the upcoming academic year.   Please note the first day of term is on Wednesday 2nd September.


Thank you for your support and understanding.


Yours faithfully


A Vickers