Charlton School

The school provides pupils with meaningful opportunities to understand how to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society. Pupils know how to discuss and debate issues and ideas in a considered way. 

Charlton encourages respect for democracy by democratically electing school Student Senior Leadership teams. We have Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputies, House Leaders and many more positions for student’s voice throughout the school. Members from each tutor group are also elected to the Charlton school Council. Elected members represent student voice at regular Student Council meetings. The student leadership team is very well established and provides opportunities for students of all ages to represent their peers. Pupils vote on various school decisions, regularly complete questionnaires, and put forward their views. We promote a listen and respond culture where every voice is valued.

At Charlton, a significant number of opportunities are organised around our House structure. We have four houses Birch, Willow, Sycamore and Hawthorn. The houses are named after the trees which surround us in our impressive new building. All pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to through a well-established student leadership team which is based around the house system.  House points are awarded to reward success in lessons and contributions to the wider curriculum allowing us to use our rewards system to acknowledge and celebrate individual and group success in our termly celebration assemblies.

As part of our offer children take part in House competitions to raise the profile of local and national charities throughout the year including Charlton Bake off: supporting the Macmillan Trust, The Harvest Festival: supporting the Telford Food Bank, Anti-Bullying campaigns through ‘Odd Socks’, the Christmas Gift Appeal: Hosted by the Shropshire Star, Walk or Bike to work week, Diversity Week, and our own fundraising festival ‘Charltonbury’. At Charlton we pride ourselves in partnership. We have well established links with our local community and view partnerships with the Learning Community Trust, wider community partners and our families as central to our success, we make the most of these connections to enable our co-curricular provision to link wherever possible to our local and national community.


The delivery of Oracy is overseen by the literacy lead and lead practitioner. Staff have received training on a variety of strategies enabling them to embed oracy and debate in their practice. Resources have been developed by the oracy lead to support all curriculum areas and to structure the British Values weekly debates which take place on Fridays during form time. Weekly debates have a current events link and are underpinned by the exploration of British Values. 


Throughout personal development students look at the following topics: UK democracy, Role of UK Parliament, Rules, laws, courts & Police, Public institutions & voluntary groups, Human Rights, and Identity. The sessions are designed to link with world religions enhancing understanding of different faiths and beliefs. 

If you have any questions regarding upcoming house activities please contact our house activities co-ordinator.