Charlton School

Parent Update 27.03.20

I do hope you and your families are well and keeping safe. I just wanted to send you a message as we complete our first week in this strange new world we are all living in. I do believe if we maintain the social distancing, stay at home as much as possible and follow the “rules” the UK has a real chance of slowing down the virus and reducing the risk to life.

Update 27.03.20
Dear Parents,
I do hope you and your families are well and keeping safe.
I just wanted to send you a message as we complete our first week in this strange new world we are all living in. I do believe if we maintain the social distancing, stay at home as much as possible and follow the “rules” the UK has a real chance of slowing down the virus and reducing the risk to life.
We need to keep going and stay positive that all of our actions are contributing to the immense efforts of the NHS at this time.
We have all our schools open with staff in place to support the children of key workers, our more vulnerable children and those with an EHCP. The reaction from parents has been fantastic and many of you have kept children safely at home which reduces the risks to our staff.
We will continue to provide support, in school, for key workers over the weeks to come as required by the Government until schools can reopen.
Our staff have done a fantastic job getting Home Learning up and running and it is going very well.
Many of you are doing a brilliant job with your children looking at all the posts on social media. We will continue to support this, and staff are uploading work on a weekly basis. Our teachers tell me they have seen some great work coming in from children and students.
Please stay safe and I will write again next week with an update.
Kind regards,
Dr. Gill Eatough