A message from the Principal 22/03/2024
As we finish the spring term, I would like to congratulate our students for a fantastic 10 weeks in school since Christmas. It may have been a short term but we have packed a lot in!
21st March 2024,
Dear Parent / Carer,
As we finish the spring term, I would like to congratulate our students for a fantastic 10 weeks in school since Christmas. It may have been a short term but we have packed a lot in!
I know many of you came to watch our sell-out three night run of our brilliant school show, we attended poetry live, competed in the National F1 in schools tournament, had 3 geography field trips, worked with the RAF and the John Egging Trust, launched our own forest school, had visits to art galleries, played a huge number of sports fixtures, hosted Telford Sings and if that is not enough we head out next week on our ski trip.
Congratulations also to our Year 10s who have completed work experience this week. The feedback we have been getting about the students has been amazing. Our Year 11 students continue to impress us with their resilience and commitment towards their studies, please encourage them to attend as many of the Easter revision sessions as they can and thanks in advance to all of my colleagues who have given up some of their holidays to put on sessions for the benefit of our students.
As often happens at the end of term we have some staffing changes. Leaving us are Mrs Correia (Head of MFL), Miss Whitehouse (science) and Mr Mckoy (music). We thank them all for their time at Charlton. Mrs Hall also departs temporarily on maternity leave, she is being replaced in English by Mrs Ward and as Head of Year 8 by Mrs Newman. Joining us from the summer term is Mr Hughes (Head of Expressive arts and music teacher) and rejoining is Mrs Foy (Head of MFL).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of our school and to wish you a happy Easter, we look forward to seeing you all again on our return on Monday 8th April.
Yours faithfully,
Mr A McNaughton
Date Published: 22 Mar 2024