Charlton School

A message from the Principal 12.05.2021

May I firstly take this opportunity to wish the Muslim members of our community a Blessed Eid to you and your family in the coming days, Eid Mubarak lakum aw-li-‘a’ilatakum.

Dear Parents/Carers,

May I firstly take this opportunity to wish the Muslim members of our community a Blessed Eid to you and your family in the coming days, Eid Mubarak lakum aw-li-‘a’ilatakum. 

I am sure, like me, you either watched or have read eagerly about the continuation of the roadmap for reopening and are delighted to hear the next stage can commence as planned, on Monday 17th May.

Within these statements it was announced that students will no longer be required to wear face coverings in school, either in classrooms or communal areas, such as corridors. It is recommended that staff still wear masks in corridors or when social distance cannot be maintained.  These changes come into force from Monday, so please continue to supply a face covering this week.

The new guidance does state however that we may be required to wear face masks again if there are localised outbreaks of Coronavirus.  We will be advised by Public Health England if this is required.

To keep control of the virus we have been asked to continue with twice weekly testing for staff and students.  Students in all year groups will be issued with additional test packs, either two packs containing 3 tests each or one pack containing 7 tests.  These should be sufficient to allow testing to occur prior to our return to school after half-term.

If you should find yourself in a position that you have run out of test kits, perhaps due to your child being absent when additional kits have been issued, we keep a stock of kits in reception and students can simply collect these when needed.

Yours sincerely

Mr A McNaughton
