Charlton School

19.07.22 LCT Update to all Parents and Carers

This is my last letter of the school year and I just wanted to bring it to a close by writing to you.

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This is my last letter of the school year and I just wanted to bring it to a close by writing to you. 

It has been another challenging year as I reflect on all the Covid disruption of the autumn and spring term which now feels a long time ago. We really struggled with staffing levels for weeks with staff illness and we had lots of children and young people unwell and isolating. I am incredibly proud that we kept all schools open and had only to close some classes in our Special Schools when we felt we simply did not have sufficient staff. 

Our staff have been truly amazing, whatever their role in our schools, they have gone above and beyond doing extra duties, covering lessons, running interventions and catch-up programmes but also in their fantastic support of our young people to make a school as good as it could possibly be day in day out. I cannot thank them enough for their hard work, enthusiasm and support this year. 

We have had some great Ofsted inspections and SATs results; the GCSE results will be out in August and Y11 really did their very best in a long exam period. 

It has been great to see all the trips and visits return, the performances, and the shows as well as Sports Days and Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. 

All our academies have improved and developed under excellent leadership this year, they are all full and many oversubscribed for September, we have admitted more students in secondary to deal with a bulge in Y6 numbers this year in Telford. The Trust has grown, we will be welcoming two new schools next year with interest from others as LCT’s reputation spreads, but we will always remain committed to schools in our community. The Department of Education are delighted with our progress, and I receive many positive comments from them and Telford and Wrekin Council about the work we do. 

It has been very hot in the last two days, but we are requested by DfE to stay open – many parents are working, have no childcare and we have ensured we do everything to keep everyone as cool and hydrated as possible as well as reviewing activities and breaks. By tomorrow it will be significant cooler, but it may be part of the future dealing with hotter summers. 

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for all your support during the year and to wish you and your family a lovely summer holiday. 

Kind Regards, 

Dr. Gill Eatough