Charlton School


Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term.  The first half-term of the year was very different for all of us, returning to school after lockdown and the summer holidays.  Now we have had the government announcement that we are having another 4-week lockdown starting this week, which has given us all more to think about, both at school and in our home lives.


Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term.  The first half-term of the year was very different for all of us, returning to school after lockdown and the summer holidays.  Now we have had the government announcement that we are having another 4-week lockdown starting this week, which has given us all more to think about, both at school and in our home lives.

I know from talking with many of you across our schools that you have a number of concerns relating to positive cases of Covid-19 in your child’s school, or about the procedures that are in place.

Firstly, let me say that I do understand your anxieties, both about school and about everyday life.  As well as being an Education Welfare Officer, I am a Mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend.   I have shared many of your concerns during the pandemic about my own family and friends, particularly those who are vulnerable and were shielding during lockdown.  Covid-19 has affected us all in so many different ways, and we are still coming to terms with the impact on our daily lives and on our children’s education.

The government announced that school attendance would become statutory again from 1stSeptember, and our schools have worked really hard, not only to implement the guidance from government, but in many cases going over and above what is required.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of Covid-19, despite all of our best efforts, there have still been some cases in school, resulting in the closure of class bubbles, year group bubbles and in one case a full school closure due to staff shortages.

I know that for many of you, both parents and children, this has caused increased anxiety.  I also know that some of you have found it very difficult to send your children back to school, because there are worries and concerns related to your family members.  Attendance at school is statutory once again and failure to send your child back to school may result in the Local Authority taking legal action against families for non-attendance.

Many of you have had contact with me already, we have talked and put plans in place and supported your child back into school.  Many more of you have spoken to staff at school and you have done the same thing.

As I have been looking at attendance across the schools, I have been concerned at reports from staff about ‘unauthorised absence’ where parents have not contacted the school to advise why their child is absent.  It is vitally important that you let us know first thing in the school day if your child is going to be absent because they are ill or have an appointment.  We need to know that your child is safe.  Unauthorised absence can lead to action being taken against you by the Local Authority and can lead to school having safeguarding concerns about your child. Please keep in regular contact with school throughout a period of absence, so that we can offer any appropriate support and help your child when they return to school.

I know that a number of you still have concerns and perhaps haven’t spoken about them or aren’t sure who to talk to.  For that reason I will be holding a virtual ‘drop in’ online using Microsoft Teams and would like to invite any of you who are concerned about sending your child to school to come online and talk to me.  We can also talk about children who are refusing to attend school or who are very anxious about coming in.  I will be accompanied by members of staff from across our schools, and we will do our very best to support, help and advise you.

If you would like me to send you a link to the drop-in, which will be held on Monday 9thNovember at 1.30pm, please email me on  You can also email me if you would like to have a private discussion about anything related to your child’s school attendance, although I would always encourage you to approach your child’s school in the first instance.  We are all here to help.

Nikki Morrison, Education Welfare Officer.