Charlton School

Letter from the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the students for the excellent start we have made to the new academic year. We have seen notable improvements in uniform and punctuality to school.

10th October 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the students for the excellent start we have made to the new academic year.  We have seen notable improvements in uniform and punctuality to school.

Please remember students should be onsite and entering the school building at 8.40am, students who arrive late are issued with a same day break time detention.  Please also refamiliarise yourself with our uniform requirements on our website, and as the weather becomes colder, please remind students that no hoodies or tracksuit tops are allowed to be worn under blazers at any time during the school day.

At the end of this week Mrs Elliot, Pastoral Manager for Year 8, will be leaving us.  I am sure all the parents who have worked with Mrs Elliot will join me in thanking her for her commitment to our school and our students.  We wish her the very best of luck for the future.  Mrs Thomas, our Intervention Support Room Manager, will be taking over as Year 8 Pastoral Manager.

To celebrate the wonderful half-term we have had, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 21st October, in aid of Breast Cancer Research.  In addition to their own clothes, we encourage students to wear something pink and pay £1 on the day, for a charity that is very close to our hearts, as we have two colleagues who are currently undoing treatment for breast cancer.

We remind students of the need to bring all the required equipment on this day including PE kit, should this be required, and that students should also dress appropriately for a school environment.  Students should not wear crop tops or other items of inappropriate clothing.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Yours faithfully,

Mr A McNaughton
