Charlton School

Emotional Wellbeing Letter to Parents 21.05.20

As we move closer to the end of this half term, there is a lot of uncertainty around how lockdown will be eased, as well as disrupted routine and restricted freedom that we are all experiencing.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you are all staying safe and well?

As we move closer to the end of this half term, there is a lot of uncertainty around how lockdown will be eased, as well as disrupted routine and restricted freedom that we are all experiencing. It is understandable that some people will be feeling anxious, there could be increased levels of loneliness and some people may also be having difficulty sleeping, as adults and young people all encounter new situations and may experience new emotions. A lot of families up and down the country are working to learn strategies to cope with these difficult feelings and to support this, many experts are providing guidance.

Below are some links to resources to use with your children, or to use yourself, to lessen feelings of anxiety and to improve your wellbeing. There are tips, practical activities and videos to help support you.

As always, please remember that if you are struggling, please look on the school website at the many links that we are constantly updating. Contact your Pastoral Manager or email

Yours faithfully,


A Wills


Resources for young people to support them with anxiety


Resources for adults to support their children and themselves with anxiety






Online safety guidance


Other helpful links