Charlton School

Programme of Study Year 9

Key competencies 

Career education context

Managing self

   •     developing and maintaining self-esteem and self-belief

   •     developing and broadening aspirations beyond stereotypes

   •     developing new skills and a sense of competence 

   •     understanding change and growth as part of life

   •     learning how to set goals and make plans

Relating to others

   •     developing skills for positive interactions with others 

   •     listening to others’ experiences of goals in learning and work

   •     recognising the work roles of others and valuing these

   •     learning different styles of interaction for new situations 

Participating and contributing

   •     understanding contribution to society through work

   •     understanding how Academy and participation in learning relates to future life roles

   •     developing a vision of self in the future world of work

   •     valuing connections to community


   •     learning to think about the future

   •     recognising the broad scope of work now and in the future

   •     developing an understanding of what is involved in decision making

Using language symbols and texts

   •     learning the language of careers, the vocabulary of skills

   •     researching information about work and careers

   •     communicating knowledge and ideas in appropriate ways


  Students are able to:
Maintain a positive self

demonstrate characteristics and understanding of a positive self-concept

explore and demonstrate awareness of their qualities, strengths and career possibilities

Valuing equality, diversity and inclusion

develop and demonstrate skills in interacting positively with others


demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures


demonstrate knowledge of the importance of change and growth as part of life

Learning to support life and work

Demonstrate knowledge of the connections between educational achievement and career opportunities

Develop understanding of the relationship between learning and work


Demonstrate skills in locating, understanding and using career information on different jobs


Demonstrate understanding of the skills/qualities/qualifications needed for the changing world of work

Understand business and industry

Demonstrate awareness of the importance of personal responsibility in life


Demonstrate understanding of how work contributes to society


Demonstrate awareness of changes in the nature of work, including changes in gender roles

Make the most of careers information

Develop goals and aspirations 


Demonstrate understanding of planning to achieve goals