Charlton School

Message from Principal 17.02.22

As we come to a blustery end of half-term, I want to acknowledge and thank the staff for their unwavering dedication to our students to put on a phenomenal stage performance of Matilda and thank our students for their commitment, resilience, and perseverance through the most challenging of times to get the show on.

17th February 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to a blustery end of half-term, I want to acknowledge and thank the staff for their unwavering dedication to our students to put on a phenomenal stage performance of Matilda and thank our students for their commitment, resilience, and perseverance through the most challenging of times to get the show on.

By the end of the week our students will have performed to around 1000 people at three evening shows and students from Wrekin View primary in our matinee performance on Wednesday.  Reviews from our first two shows have been outstanding with the audiences being wowed by not only the performances, but the set design and costumes, which have been built and made by staff and students themselves.

It has been some journey.  Auditions started in the 2020/21 academic year, initially rehearsals were in year group bubbles, delays brought about cast changes and rearranged performance dates.  There have been inevitable covid disruptions but despite all of this, staff and students have shown strength of character and commitment to the show.  There literally has been blood, sweat and tears and it has all been worth it to see our students performing on the stage again. 

I thank everyone who has been involved in this huge undertaking and congratulate them on an outstanding show, creating memories that will last a lifetime for all involved.

This week we are saying our goodbyes to Miss Mahmood, one of our longstanding Cover Officers, she has secured a tutoring post in another school.  Shortly after half-term Mrs Taylor, our Exams Officer, will be moving to a new post at Shrewsbury College.  We wish them both well for the future.

Whilst we appoint our new Exams Officer (vacancy details are on our website), if you have any queries around examinations, please contact Mrs Ventress, Assistant Vice Principal.

Whilst we all await an update from the government on changes to the Covid-19 guidance and any implications in schools, it is important we continue to test twice weekly and follow isolation guidance, if necessary. Please ensure all students test before they return from the holiday.  To support testing, we will issue a further box of home test kits on Friday.

I hope you all have a good half-term and look forward to your continued support as we move into spring and summer term.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M McNaughton
