Charlton School

Message from Principal 01.02.22

Our vision at Charlton is to nurture happy, healthy young people who have the knowledge, academic achievement and strength of character to lead safe and successful lives in modern Britain, preparing them for their next steps in education or employment, with a thirst for lifelong learning.

Our vision at Charlton is to nurture happy, healthy young people who have the knowledge, academic achievement and strength of character to lead safe and successful lives in modern Britain, preparing them for their next steps in education or employment, with a thirst for lifelong learning. To achieve this, we carefully review our aims, ethos and values to ensure they provide the right environment for all children to flourish. Our ethos is summarised below:



  • Pastoral care. We ensure that every member of our school community knows that we are committed to supporting their physical health, safety and emotional wellbeing.
  • Behaviour. Relationships between staff and students are based on our core values: respect, responsibility and resilience. Clearly stated standards of behaviour are to be upheld by all.
  • Belonging. We celebrate our differences and show respect for our community. Students understand and develop their role as active and responsible citizens and are equipped with the skills to challenge discrimination.
  • Inclusion. Charlton is an outward facing and globally conscious school. We promote compassion, and advocacy for all members of our school community. We are unwaveringly inclusive and determined to eradicate all barriers to educational success.
  • Curriculum. We are committed to delivering a broad, balanced and knowledge rich curriculum to enable all students to achieve their best and be well equipped for the future.
  • Co-Curriculum. Our curriculum is enhanced by wide range of sustained enrichment opportunities enabling students to discover and nurture their individual talents and interests.
  • Facilities. Our new building provides a clean, bright, safe and stimulating learning environment with state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Celebrating success. We celebrate success at all levels. Students are encouraged to apply a growth mindset to both their academic and personal progress.
  • Partnership. We have well established links with our local community and view partnerships with the Learning Community Trust, wider community partners and our families as central to our success.

To ensure we are working effectively with our families we conduct a termly parent/carer survey. We would be very grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete our most recent questionnaire (below) to let us know how you think we are doing. The outcomes of parent/carer surveys inform our school development plans and help us to identify areas of strength and further development. We have been delighted with the support that our families have shown us throughout the pandemic and have used previous survey outcomes to inform the following actions:



I hope you agree that these actions have made our communication to families more effective and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our website is continuously being updated with key information for our families. If you don’t already, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, to view our social media feed for good news stories and celebration of students’ successes.

If you would like to complete the parent/carer survey please click on this link:

Thanks again for your support in what has been a very difficult time for everyone. As a school community, we are very proud of the efforts our families have made to support their children’s education and look forward to the bright future ahead.

Yours faithfully

Mr A McNaughton
