Charlton School

Extended Projects

The following email has been sent to parent/carers of Years 7, 8 & 9.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Each year at Charlton School students complete an extended project. This is an individual project that students complete based on something they are keenly interested in. Over the years we have had students create some amazing pieces of art, a myriad of baked goods and even a working games console.

Several students have already completed some fantastic extended projects and we will be celebrating all the completed projects when it is safe to do so. However, there is no longer an expectation that students MUST complete an extended project due to the current situation.

If students would still like to complete their extended project or hand a completed one in, that will be fantastic. The self-expression that comes through in each extended project always shows the best our Charlton students have to offer. We will celebrate all projects that are submitted, when possible.

Students can take photos of their projects and email them to Mr Redman.


Kind Regards,

Mr Redman