Charlton School

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

I hope that you are all well, and you had a good break, despite it all being very different for many of you this year.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you are all well, and you had a good break, despite it all being very different for many of you this year.

I am sending an email today, to all students, to remind them of the links on the school website where they can access support for their emotional health and wellbeing. Please could you ensure that your son/daughter is aware of this and that they know where they can access support if they need it.

There are many apps and websites on the school website (, along with details of how to access Tootoot, our in school emotional health and wellbeing chat service. BEAM and Kooth are just a few examples of the excellent organisations which are supporting young people with their emotional health and wellbeing during this time, and information on how to access these are on the school website, along with details of many other organisations.

Please could you encourage your son/daughter to look at the information on the above link if they are struggling with their emotional health and wellbeing. We are here to help.

Yours faithfully

Miss A Wills